Hair Loss Treatment - You Can Still Grow Your Hair Back

Imagine having a fuller head again. You probably have been thinking it's in the genes. All the men in your family develop a receding hair line, they lose their hair very early in their lives. And so it is something to expect, and you begin to see how you can live with it.

Well for one, you are right. If it is genetic then you can't change it. But no!, you don't have to live with it. You can re-grow lost hair and can even prevent further hair loss.

What Causes Hair Loss In Men?

Male Pattern Baldness is mostly of genetic origin. This genetic trait, Androgenetic Alopecia, as it is known in scientific circles is inherited in the family. If the men in your family are having a bald spot on the crown of their head, it is very likely you will develop it too. For centuries, Men have had to deal with this issue. Legend has it that Julius Caesar started to use the laurel leaf wreath to cover his receding hairline.

Baldness results from two factors. Genes and hormonal factors. You may not be able to change your genetic history, but you can influence the hormones involved in MPB. Studies have shown that the male hormone Dihdrotestosteron is largely implicated in the development of bald head. Dihdrotestosteron, when excess in the bloodstream, tend to bind to hair follicles receptors causing the follicles to gradually sprout thinner until they eventually wither away.

How can Lost Hair be regenerated?

The answer is in the biochemical pathway involved in the synthesis of DHT(Dihdrotestosteron) itself. DHT is a chemical derivative of androgen, also male hormone. At this point, Minoxidil comes to play. Minoxidil is an ingredient that is clinically proven, and approved by the FDA for re-growing hair. This powerful active ingredient works in hair follicles by inhibiting the convertion of androgen to DHT in the body. As a result, there is gradual hair rejuvenation.

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