Treating Hair Loss in Women

For many women, hair loss can be a shameful secret they try to hide from the world. Hair loss or balding is usually a condition associated with men, however women all over the world suffer the same problem. Women tend to attach their vanity and sense of femininity to their hair, and are reluctant to seek treatment for the problem.

Hair loss among women can be hereditary, but it often has environmental or medical causes. Many medications or narcotics have side effects which cause hair loss. Hormonal changes, such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause can also contribute to a significant loss of hair. Hair loss in women can strike at any age, although it's most common among 25 to 45 year olds.

Some hair loss, a few strands a day, is a natural occurrence. As new hair grows in, it pushes out the old hair and causes it to fall out. Over combing, pulling or brushing can often cause breakage which is why you may see hairs in the sink after you groom. If this is the case, switch to a wide tooth comb, and try using a leave in conditioner that will keep your hair slippery while you comb, reducing hair breakage.

Often shampoo, conditioner or styling products such as mousse, gel or hairspray can be the cause of loss of hair. Everyone's hair reacts differently to both synthetic and organic ingredients, so even if you are using a natural shampoo, it might be the reason for your hair fall. If you notice an overabundance of hair being left behind in the shower, switching your brand of shampoo and conditioner may be all it takes to correct the problem.

Other factors in loss of hair include chemical cosmetic treatments, such as perms, relaxers or hair colouring. If you're already suffering from hair loss, you should avoid these damaging elements. Hair loss can also be compounded by the use of heated styling appliances such as blow dryers and irons, so these should also be avoided.

Quite often, hair falling out is your body's way of trying to alert you to a bigger problem. You could be suffering an allergy or silent illness. You could be missing vital supplements or nutrients in your diet. You could be over exerting yourself with too much exercise, not enough rest or sleep or too many stimulants such as caffeine of sugar.

If an increase in hair fall can't be resolved by changing your shampoo or styling products, you should seek medical attention. Women's hair loss is nothing to be ashamed of and attempting to keep it a secret it can prevent you from getting help for a more serious ailment.

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