Any other wave used in the treatment of hair loss laser has a different treatment and the depth of penetration on the scalp. Capillaries in direct contact with the hair papilla occur in hypodermis (the inner layer deeper skin layers between 3 (scalp)).
The wavelength of 670nm treated especially light on the surface of the scalp and not enough for effective laser hair loss go deeply into the scalp, so the 670nm is the only treatment of wavelength.
Longer wavelength (780 nm, 830nm) lasers are able more deep into the skin. But skin substances such as hemoglobin, melanin and water the whole folder and the weaknesses of the laser light.
To 830nm is the wavelength less than absorbed by these substances, such as, that makes more out of their economic control of the means of the follicle, because more light energy is absorbed in the blood cells, increase traffic and continues to supply more nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles.
On the market of cosmetic and therapeutic lasers, each laser treatment device used different wavelengths. 650nm/670nm visible light are red, while 780 nm infra-red lamp with more power, more insightful 830nm capacity and effectiveness.
The laser 650nm are most commonly used in cosmetic and laser therapy, because it is light red, light, light that is visible to the eye, as if it really works for treatment and in fact, that actually has a therapeutic effect.
The wavelength nm laser cosmetic is the most widely used on the market and is less expensive than the length of the longest wave laser.
However, more expensive infrared 780 nm and 830nm of wavelengths use lasers can penetrate and stimulating deeper tissues of the skin and are also effective in the treatment, but are rarely used by other manufacturers of cosmetic and laser therapy.
Most effective treatment for hair loss are multiple wavelengths 670nm laser and use a 780 nm, and a 830nm laser in each of his 7 cluster laser and laser on the market that offers this technology are the only hair treatment. 3 different wavelengths simultaneously radiate the same region of the scalp, each working on different levels and thus maximise the benefits and are a more effective treatment.
There are many scientific studies for each wavelength of the laser show, this is as effective in the treatment here about the different effects of each wavelength.
Archive for November 2011
With cosmetic treatments, hair hair care
Cosmetic treatments are available for people with any type of hair. frisés, straight or woolly. Can hair style like never before, with the help of hair cosmetics and other hair care products. Later, some hair tips and useful information will be presented during the cosmetic hair treatment.
Permanent wave is better known as Perm, nearly a hundred years later. Since then perms have come a long way. Today, there are treatments available, that you type in the type of wave that you want. Finely, permanent Limphair also increase the volume.
Appropriate candidates
Superb perms on people with thick hair. Hair in good condition responds to a perm much better. People that were bleached or dyed their hair should stay away from permanent. The chemicals are too hard for hair double-processed or heavily highlighted.
First standing hair tips
Your stylist to say what kind of bait you want and you don't want. It is a good idea if you are wearing and permanent images that you want to have and permanents you fear. Beware you, your hair for at least 24 hours before air conditioning of Perm; otherwise, you can get the desired result.
Curling Player size determines the size of the winding. A smaller player of curling would create a wrapping of the smaller and more rigorous, while medium to large curlers tend to lose more effectively. The final result depends on the texture and type Ofhair.
Hair perm must be one to two hours depending of your hair is how long and efficient is your stylist. Once processing is complete, there were more than 24 hours for the keratin in the hair to harden completely.
Types of perms
1. Alkaline perms give a strong, firm curl and were called the active ingredient of ammonium thioglycolate.
(2) on the other hand, acid perms are sweet and sour components much smaller phone have a sensitive perm or Damagedhair are ideal for people, the fragile.
If you are it sorry, your hair is naturally curly or woolly and desire blocks that poker straight hair? So, is the solution for you. Hair Set must always be a hair of health with a good track record of recovering.
Various treatments
1 Set of permanent hair or chemical must be carried out by qualified and experienced professional. This chemical is to separate the compounds of sulphur in hair and hair on a new form. Uses flattening or repair the irons, a new form of hair.
(2) consolidating the process of heat at Japan invented has excited women all over the world. Based on bonds of hair so that it gives a bright and fair hair. After the chemical is applied to the hair, professional stylist painstakingly iron hair, almost a thread from another. Dry your hair then rinse, blown. People with colored hair are not suitable for this type of hair. Can be expensive and hours, to perform the operation.
3. Ionic treatment is ideal for people with hair highlighted and colored. Leaves hair soft and silken ions in the solution by using the moisture in the hair postponed. The treatment lasts about five hours.
4 smooth hair Irons have ceramic-coated plates that distribute heat evenly and avoid damage to the hair. Straightening irons offer different heat settings according to the types of hairs of different iron.
Take precautions after the treatment
(1) After a hair treatment use secure one mild shampoo and a deep conditioner to the hair are furnished well hydrated and well protected.
2 stay away from any heat styling tools to prevent damage to the hair.
3. use a comb with teeth of large hair after treatment of straightening iron. Care a little bit go very far in maintaining the attractiveness of the trombone.
Hair loss solutions cosmetics
Hair loss is, of course, but if we start to notice, the rapid hair loss is generally a sign that it y hormonal or chemical imbalance due to sickness or disease. Some drugs can affect a single cycle of more hair; Follicle may go to sleep, if you should develop. Some medical conditions, as well as that in fact destroy hair follicles and the only way androgenetic alopecia, hair by hair transplant on the sides and rear of the head to the area of baldness. Hair transplants are expensive. Therefore apply some people suffer from hair loss solutions quick cosmetic hair loss.
There are strong drugs and medicines on the market for the treatment of hair loss and baldness can, side effects of these products but worse of hair loss. Other solutions for cosmetics for hair loss according to the area on the head, which must be covered, use a large number of people. The most popular, slightly balding head camouflage Salon. If there is a considerable quantity of the bare area, creative design work could not, therefore, some men and some women Grose, choice of style is the last creative hair.
With a fall of hair, women use cosmetics, thicker hair. Women also add fibers and dyes that work with existing hair only when there is the slightest loss of hair more volume mixing, but these solutions. Hairpieces and wigs are still available. You are the best solution for some men and women, because the quality is improved wigs and hair pieces over the years. They come in all shapes and sizes, but can be expensive.
Cures and treatments for hair loss
Those of obesity, diets are, or that prevent or restrict their consumption of protein can cause hair loss. It is common for the victims of some hair loss "Vegan" for the fact that people consume no animal products/meat/protein at all. Probably be even less stringent that vegetarians have hair thinned due to their eating habits.
Hair loss is often where, suffering from malnutrition because of anorexia and bulimia.
The good news is that simply a protein diet Empire with protein shakes the dust or completed, you can stop hair loss due to bad habits and shortage of proteins. In addition, other supplements such as zinc are good for your hair. To maintain a balanced diet are also to ensure that your hair is thicker and healthier actual
Enter your stay earned hair care that we can to prevent hair loss as a whole, and that will help your hair healthy and beautiful.
Do not wash your hair more than once a day, but you have to wash at least once a week. To get the dirt and hair with washing oil corrected this. That move also allows the nutrients through the hair, to protect and provide for growth. If you have a sensitive scalp, you must use a milder type of shampoo or certain medications to help has hair.
Make sure you alert your hair styling. Föhnen and hot curling irons are known to damage the cuticles to protect hair. You must use the heat level "below", to avoid damage.
You also learn your hair style if it is wet or dry. This is not how much stress on your hair and prevent hair loss will be. If the hair is wet, it will be to stretch and break for them easier.
A natural way of treating hair thinned is olive oil. This massage the scalp, one before going to bed. Wash and watch the next morning, the hair shiny and healthy. You can use this treatment once a week and still see the same benefits.
People who suffer from hair loss that can find a good solution in the techniques of aesthetics and hairdressing. Hair dyeing, hair cuts and waves that he can only roughly and so you look and behavior make difference to make much less visible hair loss.
There are also tropical FDA approved treatments, which may be able to help. But simple things often work.
Hair loss treatment-cosmetic procedures
Cosmetic treatments are very expensive. It can be very painful and carry the risk of infection. Patients are generally satisfied with the results. As other treatments for hair loss, including one person to another, in the form of effectiveness vary. There are two ways that can treat your surgically problems of hair loss: reduction of transplantation of hair and scalp.
Hair transplants
After the hair of hair grafts are bands of another region of the scalp, which is healthy hair-most of the back or side. Hair from these areas are less likely to thin, even if they are in another part of the scalp. The follicle that then are implanted in the bald head of sections of the scalp. The procedure takes two-four hours, and several sessions on bald head transplantation may be required integer. There is little pain during the procedure due to skin before transplant becomes stunned. After the first headache, swelling and bruising autour eyes can occur a few days.
Scalp reduction
The skin on the scalp is flexible and can be extended to doctors may use the scalp reduction to combat hair loss. Small areas of the scalp are removed a scalp reduction to reduce the bald area. The skin is then stretched, cover the entire head. Scalp reduction is combined with transplantation of hair like visible scars on the arid areas of the scalp. When you drag these hair loss treatment, in return, expect to pay between $ 2,000 and $ 10,000. This varies from surgeon, surgeon and also other factors, such as the operating room, put in place and everything depends. How to transplant hair, side effects include swelling and pain.
When you drag these procedures into account to examine only certified surgeons. Also get some good comments and consult your doctor for all options before proceeding with the operation check.