If you really follow through carefully, you can regrow lost hair naturally in just 30 days. Think that it's impossible? Well if you're out using the latest and greatest new invention for treating male pattern baldness, then you just might find it very hard to do so.
What most men fail to realize is that there are some true reasons why their hair is falling out like it is. Yes your genetic makeup can play a significant role in how much hair you're able to grow, but for the most part there are some things within your control.
You've probably heard about dht, the hormone responsible for thinning of the hair as a result of excessive testosterone in the body. Did you know that there are natural products you can use to rid this hormone from your body?
Herbal supplements such as saw palmetto, nettle root, pumpkin seed, He Shou Wu and pygeum are all referred to as "dht blockers". These herbs work in some amazing ways to curb the effects of the dht hormone. It's important that every man who is undergoing some type of hair loss make these a part of his daily supplement routine.
What about side effects from using them? It's always best to take any type of supplement whether it be an herb or vitamin on a full stomach or with food. It can result in stomach aches and a slow absorption of the product if you do not. Other than that nothing negative can really be said of these natural treatments for men looking to regrow their hair.
It definitely helps to keep your scalp conditioned and primed for the growth of new hairs as well. Men can stop the fall of their hair just by massaging olive oil into the scalp at night and rinsing it out the following day. This lifts dirt, oil and other debris from the scalp that can block your follicles from receiving the nutrients they need to help boost hair growth.