Laser Therapy To Reverse Hair Loss

Laser had really come a long way. From its original industrial uses, it has been a very beneficial tool in the areas of health and sciences as well. And right now, it has found an application for hair loss too. This development may just put a smile in a balding individual's face.

The medical standard when it comes to hair loss is to perform the now popular hair transplant procedure. Ask any doctor and he would suggest this option to you fast. Hair transplant is the process of transferring hair strands from the part that grows well to the ones that doesn't. The full restoration of hair may take six months or so.

Then in comes laser therapy. Studies show that laser therapy, when used along hair transplant, could stimulate the growth of hair much faster and so much better. Without the laser therapy, waiting for the hair to grow would take three months the quickest. But if you use low-level laser as a post-operative procedure, the growth of hair can be expected in as little as five weeks.

Low-level laser is known to stimulate blood flow, causing the grafts to grow earlier than expected. The therapy only takes thirty minutes and must be done twice weekly for two weeks. The results are usually impressive. The therapy can add more density to your hair while filling up the blanks. It seems to thicken the strands too.

Low-laser therapy is an added procedure that is not offered by all hair transplant doctors just yet. So if they start providing for it too, you can expect the fees for the procedure to balloon even more. But then again, there's always the ever available hair loss shampoos to help you out, should you find this option too expensive for your budget. If you get lucky, you may just find a hair growth shampoo that can put back your lost mane in as little as a few weeks.

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