Perhaps the most popular hair loss treatment product is Profollica. It is a three way hair loss treatment system that helps regain your lost crown. Some would say it is just a hype, but hundreds or maybe even thousands could attest that it has tremendously solved their hair loss problem. Behind the 3-way treatment system are years of research and development that has made the product very reliable and effective. Another great thing about the product is its all natural ingredients, which do not give off side effects like other synthetic products.
Now people who are ashamed of losing their precious hair can now come out and grab back that feeling of self esteem with Profollica. All you have to do is follow the 3 steps in achieving remarkable results. The simple instructions are designed to easily add up to your daily routine.
First of the three is the shampoo. The shampoo is formulated to solve the dry scalp problem that is one of the factors that causes hair loss, after using the shampoo daily, you will notice your hair will have more moisture and become much thicker. The second step is using the Profollica activator gel, this works by reducing the DHT levels of your follicles. DHT is the cause of having weakened hair follicles, eliminating or reducing it will bring back the strength and health of your hair. The third and last step is taking the nutritional supplement, which is a combination of hair treating vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Archive for December 2011
About Nutritious Hair Foods to Prevent Hair Loss
Hair loss can severely cause lack of confidence and self-esteem, and even depression in some cases. With every lost strand, a person looses a bit of confidence. However, now there are many cosmetic surgeries like hair transplants and graphics and cosmetic treatments like flashpoints extensions and keratins, etc. But still natural and herbal treatments rule the chart.
Natural and herbal treatments are soon gaining preference amongst people trying to curb, reduce or prevent loss of hair. These treatments are easily available, can be done by you at home, are inexpensive and have no side effects. Natural treatments like daily scalp massages, with various hair nutritious oils and other hair foods, followed by a steam treatment can work wonders for one's hair.
Nutritious Hair Foods:
A proper and daily scalp and hair massage improves the quality and health of your hair, strengthens the hair roots and conditions the scalp. It increases the blood circulation to the hair follicles, thus, improving the supply of nutrients to the hair that can make your hair look healthy and become strong.
Scalp Massages need to be done with hair nutritious oil or other hair foods like Goose berry, Henna, etc., that along with the gentle movements of massages can provide the required nutrients needed by hair to prevent or reduce hair loss. Massages alone are not sufficient to provide the necessary amount of nutrients needed, however, along with these nutritional supplements they become sufficient to prevent or reduce further loss of hair and damage.
Following is the list containing some special and effective nutritious hair foods that can be used for scalp massages:
Oils: Ayurveda mentions three oils that are highly beneficial for thinning hair problems. These three oils are:
Almond oil: almond oil is a rich source of Vitamin E. that promotes skin and hair health. Massage with almond oil is not only good for hair, but it is also good for our brain. It is known in India for improving memory, skin and skin's complexion and texture. Massage with this oil once or twice a week followed by steam after one hour.
Coconut Oil: this oil helps in revitalizing the hair by providing necessary nutrients and makes them shiny and healthy. It not only prevents hair fall, but it also treats dandruff, another cause of hair loss, and also prevents greying of hair. Massage twice in a week with coconut oil followed by steam immediately.
Sesame Oil: This oil is known for nourishing and strengthening the hair roots, which not only promotes hair growth but also makes hair silky and black. Massage once in a week with this oil, followed by steam after an hour.
Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe Vera is a plant that has a special place in all Ayurvedic and medical books. It is not only useful in preventing baldness, but is also effective in treating diabetes, hyper tension, skin diseases and infections, etc. Massage with Aloe Vera gel stimulates the hair follicles to promote new or re-growth of hair. Massage twice or thrice in a week.
Hair Loss Treatment Will Work Wonders on Your Confidence
Hair Loss is an unfortunate part of the ageing process, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with, in fact it probably only makes matters worse when you consider the loss of your hair actually just signifies the fact that you are getting old. The good news is, hair loss treatment is not difficult to come by.
Although it is generally accepted that it is very common for men to lose their hair, it is a much more difficult experience for women to cope with and one which is still quite a taboo subject.
Men often shave their heads and can look pretty masculine for doing it. Women on the other hand are considered to have lost the plot (think Britney Spears) or have tendencies of a homosexual nature, if they attempt to shear off all their hair.
People can underestimate the pain losing hair causes and for women the prospect of hair loss is a bitter pill to swallow, but it is not all as desperately gloomy as it may at first seem. The majority of hair loss causes for females are temporary. It can often come down to stress or a change in diet and lifestyle, or even the medication you are on.
Androgenetic alopecia is one of the most common types of hair loss affecting women today. This very often occurs after the menopause when nature plays havoc with your hormones. It is important not to panic and to try and ensure you are as healthy and active as possible, whilst remaining calm and most of all patients. There are many wonderful hair loss treatment products on the market nowadays, which are specifically designed to aid women facing baldness. Cosmetic products, hats, scarves and top-of-the-range, realistic looking wigs can all make this difficult time more bearable. Hair pieces can actually be a lot of fun; completely transforming your entire appearance in one fell swoop. Nowadays hair extensions are commonplace so people don't even need to realise that there might be a hair-loss problem, you could just be going through a fashion craze.
30 Day Natural Hair Loss Treatment for Men
If you really follow through carefully, you can regrow lost hair naturally in just 30 days. Think that it's impossible? Well if you're out using the latest and greatest new invention for treating male pattern baldness, then you just might find it very hard to do so.
What most men fail to realize is that there are some true reasons why their hair is falling out like it is. Yes your genetic makeup can play a significant role in how much hair you're able to grow, but for the most part there are some things within your control.
You've probably heard about dht, the hormone responsible for thinning of the hair as a result of excessive testosterone in the body. Did you know that there are natural products you can use to rid this hormone from your body?
Herbal supplements such as saw palmetto, nettle root, pumpkin seed, He Shou Wu and pygeum are all referred to as "dht blockers". These herbs work in some amazing ways to curb the effects of the dht hormone. It's important that every man who is undergoing some type of hair loss make these a part of his daily supplement routine.
What about side effects from using them? It's always best to take any type of supplement whether it be an herb or vitamin on a full stomach or with food. It can result in stomach aches and a slow absorption of the product if you do not. Other than that nothing negative can really be said of these natural treatments for men looking to regrow their hair.
It definitely helps to keep your scalp conditioned and primed for the growth of new hairs as well. Men can stop the fall of their hair just by massaging olive oil into the scalp at night and rinsing it out the following day. This lifts dirt, oil and other debris from the scalp that can block your follicles from receiving the nutrients they need to help boost hair growth.
Hair Loss Treatment - You Can Still Grow Your Hair Back
Imagine having a fuller head again. You probably have been thinking it's in the genes. All the men in your family develop a receding hair line, they lose their hair very early in their lives. And so it is something to expect, and you begin to see how you can live with it.
Well for one, you are right. If it is genetic then you can't change it. But no!, you don't have to live with it. You can re-grow lost hair and can even prevent further hair loss.
What Causes Hair Loss In Men?
Male Pattern Baldness is mostly of genetic origin. This genetic trait, Androgenetic Alopecia, as it is known in scientific circles is inherited in the family. If the men in your family are having a bald spot on the crown of their head, it is very likely you will develop it too. For centuries, Men have had to deal with this issue. Legend has it that Julius Caesar started to use the laurel leaf wreath to cover his receding hairline.
Baldness results from two factors. Genes and hormonal factors. You may not be able to change your genetic history, but you can influence the hormones involved in MPB. Studies have shown that the male hormone Dihdrotestosteron is largely implicated in the development of bald head. Dihdrotestosteron, when excess in the bloodstream, tend to bind to hair follicles receptors causing the follicles to gradually sprout thinner until they eventually wither away.
How can Lost Hair be regenerated?
The answer is in the biochemical pathway involved in the synthesis of DHT(Dihdrotestosteron) itself. DHT is a chemical derivative of androgen, also male hormone. At this point, Minoxidil comes to play. Minoxidil is an ingredient that is clinically proven, and approved by the FDA for re-growing hair. This powerful active ingredient works in hair follicles by inhibiting the convertion of androgen to DHT in the body. As a result, there is gradual hair rejuvenation.
Alternative Treatment For Baldness to Restore Hair Naturally
Are you coping with hair loss? If so, you are not alone. Most adults will start losing their hair after they reach the age of 35. Some will lose more hair than others. Choosing the right treatment can be just as frustrating as coping with the hair loss itself. There are medicated treatments which can stimulate hair growth but a natural treatment for baldness can offer the same benefits without the risks of side effects.
Use Natural Hair Loss TreatmentsOne reason it is good to stick with natural hair loss treatments is they tend to be more gentle. Some of the medicated treatments contain harsh chemicals which can be damaging to the strands. A natural baldness treatment can lead to hair regrowth without costing you a lot of money. Also, natural ingredients are less likely to have side effects such as headaches, fatigue and muscle soreness.
Androgenic Alopecia Causes BaldnessIn most cases, baldness is caused by a condition known as androgenic alopecia. It is more commonly called male or female pattern baldness. This condition is caused by an excessive production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Women have DHT in their ovaries and men have it in their testicles.
DHT restricts the flow of blood to the head. A healthy blood flow is necessary in order for the strands to receive vitamins and minerals necessary for growth since the blood carries these nutrients to the roots. If the blood flow is diminished, the follicles and strands are deprived of important nutrients and the strands will start shedding excessively.
Natural Treatment for BaldnessSaw palmetto is an effective natural treatment for baldness. This herb helps to lower the levels of DHT in the body. This allows the strands to grow back. Saw palmetto is available as a supplement. It is also found in shampoos and other hair growth products.
Hair Loss Treatment Shampoo - Miracle Cream?
There is no easier way in the world to add a daily regime into your life than if you are simply adjusting something you already do on a daily basis. Exercising may be difficult if you aren't already active, but if you already walk to work, taking the stairs to your office, rather than the elevator, is just simply a step up from where you already were. The same applies to adding hair loss treatment shampoo into your daily routine. Rather than reaching for your typical brand, simply apply the medicated shampoo instead and massage hair restoration potential deep into your scalp.
Hair loss treatment shampoos hold real promise for people who are suffering from thinning hair. These products allow deep cleansers to be added to scalps that are damaged from chemical use, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal abnormalities, and other harmful elements. Equilibrium is lost when hair becomes thin and damaged, and scalps become callous and unproductive. Proteins and minerals are raked away easily and overall hair health is diminished. This bruised follicle system is then desperately in need of repair. By utilizing these scalp products regularly in the shower, you can revitalize your nutrient-deficient hair and scalp, and build a foundation for beautiful, thick, healthy hair to prosper. Stimulate growth by providing a nourishing environment.
Many hair loss treatment shampoos work in a series. This means that there are levels of cleansing and nutritional benefits that increase as needed. Initial treatments will undoubtedly be more intense with their cleansing effort due to the amount of build-up and damage. These conditions are always higher in the beginning of treatment. Several products, thus, need to be collected as your cleansing efforts increase to produce an optimal effect. Amp up your natural defenses and combat challenged, thinning hair.
By applying essential amino acids and minerals and hydrating your scalp and existing hair, you are combating thinning hair and triggering new hair growth. This is essentially the same concept as providing a dying garden with fertilizer. Water kept the plants alive, but the sun has scored the leaves and the earth. Internally and externally, this garden is ailing, and soon, dry, cracked earth and scorched leaves will remain. Fight this lackluster display and begin using hair loss treatment shampoos at the first sight of unwholesome hair.
Commonly, hair loss is due to hair abuse. Styling products with harsh alcohols, shampooing products, blow dryers, and irons strip the very essential elements of hair and cause it to fray, thin, and inevitably snap and fall to the floor. In order to best suit the needs of your hair, you must understand the needs of your hair.
Once you have categorized your hair type, begin researching the products available. Many companies are promoting their products for cosmetic use, rather than for dealing with the arduous task of achieving FDA approval. This approval can take years, but don't let that separate you from encountering great products right away! Before you begin purchasing, however, make sure that you are aware of any allergies to active or inactive ingredients you may have, so that you do not further aggravate your hair condition. Sulfa or sulfur allergies are common, so make sure you check with your doctor to see if you are susceptible to a reaction. An allergic reaction can cause hives and itching, which will lead to scratching and further damage. The goal of any hair loss treatment shampoo is to increase health and growth, not the other way around.
Hair loss treatment shampoos are an excellent resource if you are in the beginning stages of fighting thinning and challenged hair. When hair begins to lose its endurance and thickness, hair transplants are not always the only remedy. Healthy hair is born from a healthy scalp. The only things separating you from a head of luxurious hair are the nutrients that feed and promote its growth. By topically nourishing this damaged follicle environment, you can reverse the effects of time and begin to help your hair grow. You can combat thinning hair by finding the right shampoo for your hair restoration needs and applying it today.
Guidelines For Female Hair Loss Treatment
In the market there are many different and effective treatments for female hair loss. The treatment depends on various causes. While some are severe others may not be. So the treatment varies and so also the medications. Your budget, the severity your problem and the sex and also the age factor are taken into consideration before you start treatment.
Methods of treatment
One of the many solutions can be hair transplantation. This is a modern method of hair transplantation. The term in scientific language is called stereoscopic follicular unit hair transplantation. This process resembles the natural hair growth. The hair from the healthy areas is removed and placed one at a time on the affected areas. However, one must take help from an expert or a specialist for this kind of procedure.
You can also use various combinations of medications topical or oral for good results. If you want a non-surgical treatment with therapeutic decreased level lasers to pass light energy produced to treat damaged, thin and fine hair, you can go for Laser hair rejuvenation. This female hair loss treatment has the ability to stimulate the natural growth and enhance the thickness of the natural health.
The transplant surgery is also an effective technique with many beneficial results. With all the above treatments it is also necessary for women to take of certain things like the overall health care, the emotional stress that one has to go through. Even the dietary consideration has to be probed into. An expert dietitian will definitely guide you the right kind of diet for healthy hair. Supplements and additional vitamins can be beneficial retaining the density and luster of the hair. Weight loss also is significant factor while considering female hair loss treatment. Hence, it is advised to consider the basic things before going for treatments.
Treating Hair Loss in Women
For many women, hair loss can be a shameful secret they try to hide from the world. Hair loss or balding is usually a condition associated with men, however women all over the world suffer the same problem. Women tend to attach their vanity and sense of femininity to their hair, and are reluctant to seek treatment for the problem.
Hair loss among women can be hereditary, but it often has environmental or medical causes. Many medications or narcotics have side effects which cause hair loss. Hormonal changes, such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause can also contribute to a significant loss of hair. Hair loss in women can strike at any age, although it's most common among 25 to 45 year olds.
Some hair loss, a few strands a day, is a natural occurrence. As new hair grows in, it pushes out the old hair and causes it to fall out. Over combing, pulling or brushing can often cause breakage which is why you may see hairs in the sink after you groom. If this is the case, switch to a wide tooth comb, and try using a leave in conditioner that will keep your hair slippery while you comb, reducing hair breakage.
Often shampoo, conditioner or styling products such as mousse, gel or hairspray can be the cause of loss of hair. Everyone's hair reacts differently to both synthetic and organic ingredients, so even if you are using a natural shampoo, it might be the reason for your hair fall. If you notice an overabundance of hair being left behind in the shower, switching your brand of shampoo and conditioner may be all it takes to correct the problem.
Other factors in loss of hair include chemical cosmetic treatments, such as perms, relaxers or hair colouring. If you're already suffering from hair loss, you should avoid these damaging elements. Hair loss can also be compounded by the use of heated styling appliances such as blow dryers and irons, so these should also be avoided.
Quite often, hair falling out is your body's way of trying to alert you to a bigger problem. You could be suffering an allergy or silent illness. You could be missing vital supplements or nutrients in your diet. You could be over exerting yourself with too much exercise, not enough rest or sleep or too many stimulants such as caffeine of sugar.
If an increase in hair fall can't be resolved by changing your shampoo or styling products, you should seek medical attention. Women's hair loss is nothing to be ashamed of and attempting to keep it a secret it can prevent you from getting help for a more serious ailment.
Natural Hair Loss Treatment For Men
It's normal to seek a natural hair loss treatment - after all, drugs available have powerful systemic (whole body) side effects that are common, not rare. Here are some natural ways you can defeat the problem of hair loss.
No single vitamin or multiple vitamins are going to alone grow your hair back. But when used together with other natural cures, they can boost your results.
Studies have shown that vitamin D, for example, is essential for normal keratin production - keratin being what your hair and nails are made of.
Vitamin E is also thought to be helpful because it generally reduces the ageing process.
Saw Palmetto
The extract of "fruit" is rich in beneficial fatty acids. It is a natural inhibitor of DHT and DHT is one of the chemicals in your body that is causing you to lose your hair.
The only problem with taking this is that the effects are felt all over your body and not just on your scalp. This means that you can suffer many of the side effects that are common with drugs including headache, dizziness, gas and even impotence!
Herbal Hair Tonic
There is another ingredient that is vastly superior to saw palmetto.
When combined with an appropriate solution, the properties of it can be extracted and applied daily to the hair.
Like drugs, this will renutrify the hair follicles and inhibit DHT formation (in the scalp only).
But unlike drugs, you don't get any of the whole body, debilitating side effects.
Treating Hair Loss in Teenagers
When it comes to hair loss in teenagers there can be many causes. This can be devastating at such an already difficult time. The most important thing is finding the underlying problem then putting in place an effective treatment plan.
Here are some common causes that can help you to identify the cause of your loss. It could be a medical problem such as diabetes, thyroid, or a fungal scalp infection. This can cause hair to be lost in patches. Fungal infections are contagious but easily treated with an anti fungal shampoo. Illness, stress and hormonal changes can also be contributing factors.
But the most common form of hair loss in teenagers and adults is patterned. This is also known as Androgenetic Alopecia and is caused through hormones and genetics. This can occur in teenagers as young as 14 so can severely impact them psychologically and emotionally. It is caused by a hormone DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which is a by product of testosterone. It attacks and weakens your hair follicles shrinking them until they eventually die.
Since hair transplants are not advised at this age until the hair loss pattern and progression can be fully realized and Propecia cannot be taken until the age of 18. The best methods for teenagers are natural products and topical solutions containing minoxidil. This is one of only two scientifically approved medications for the treatment of hair loss and is safe for teens and women. It is applied directly to thinning areas twice a day and many people have not only been able to stop further loss, but also re-grow lost hair simply using this product alone.
These are a must for battling hair loss in teenagers. Prevention is always the best method and beginning treatment early can lead to fantastic results which can get rid of anxieties and have you back to your old self in no time.
Stem Cell Therapy for Hair Loss
There is no doubt that medical science has found cure for almost all the existing diseases. With the introduction of new technique known as stem cell therapy, one can now get treated for the chronic diseases as well. These chronic diseases include cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases, dental surgery, organ replacement like liver and renal, lung surgery, retinitis, arthritis, permanent cure for diabetes, hepatitis, spinal cord injuries, autism etc.
This therapy for hair loss has also proved to very beneficial. It has been treating people from loosing hair since the year 1990. It is very well considered that this therapy is most effective for hair regeneration. All over the world, men and women alike have got amazing results from Stem Cell treatment of loss or balding of hair. Not only does the treatment allow hair to grow back with new hair follicles but it also add new found self esteem and self confidence to the patient. Case after case, patients love their new look when they glance in the mirror.
Let us first see what these are? These cells are the first cells rather first building blocks of our body. Life of all of us started as a stem cell and then was divided in to millions of cells as we grew up with the passage of time. As we get older, the reverse process of degeneration of the stem cells starts. In case we suffer from diseases then the process of degeneration gets faster.
In this therapy damaged and diseases causing cells are replaced with the stem cells in the body. When a person looses hair, the dead cells on the scalp do not grow hair and the area becomes bare which is called baldness. When we use this therapy, these dead cells are replaced by the stem cells the bald spot can be replaced by an area full of hair. It has been seen that success rate has been improving with the passage of time due to ongoing research on this therapy.
What actually happens is that these are injected in the body where there is a need for the replacement of old cells with the new healthy cells. Once these cells reach the targeted area they start secreting growth factors. These growth factors in assistance with the blood vessels produce new blood cells. These new cells replace the damaged and diseased cells causing cells and healing the affected body part or the particular area.
Overall it can be said that this therapy for hair loss is becoming an accepted way of regeneration of lost hair. The most experienced person in this field is Dr. Gonzalez. He has been in this field since the last 20 years. Success rate of his stem cell treatment is enormous. Whenever he extracts cells from placenta of a woman he checks them in his laboratory many times before injecting them into the body of the diseased person. It is to check the adaptability of these stem cells.
Dr. Gonzalez is a bilingual and can speak English and Spanish frequently. He lives in Mexico. Good thing is that in case a person arranges a medical tour to Mexico, it would be cost effective. Moreover you will be able to get treatment in the hotel where you will be staying and you will not need to visit any Mexican hospital for the treatment purposes. You will be staying in Cancun, Mexico which is rated the number one vacation spot in the entire world.
Organic Hair Loss Treatment
The real question is what kind of solution is right for you? Aside from your health concerns and the nature of your hair loss problem, the treatment should also fit your lifestyle. No treatment will ever be effective if you do not have the time for it. Fortunately, treatments for hair loss vary in measures, steps and methods of application. Some are as simple as leaving a solution on you scalp and leaving it for some time. Others will require you to purchase certain products that have organic ingredients.
1. Using Organic Treatments at Home
The best thing you can do from the comfort of your home is to use oils and extracts that are applied as topical solutions for your scalp. Organic hair loss treatment value of oils comes from its availability and ease of use. To apply, simply massage the oil into your scalp. Make sure that the oil reaches the roots of your hair and all over your scalp and does not sit on the surface of your hair. This will require you to use your fingers intensively. Let the oils sit on your scalp for twenty minutes before washing with shampoo and rinsing the oil away. It is important that you do not let the oils sit too long or they will stick to your hair.
2. Choices of Organic Treatments
The kind of oil you will use for your organic hair loss treatment can be as common as household oils. Soybean oil, almond oil and sesame oil can be used to help rejuvenate your scalp. If you want truly intensive oil for faster effect, you can try rosemary oil. Of course, rosemary oil is not that common and it is important that you never ingest it. Jojoba and emu oils on the other hand are perfect for damaged scalps as they repair hair follicles and help stop dandruff.
Hair Transplant Surgery Technology Achieves Fuller and More Natural Looking Hair
The demand for hair restoration treatment is up 26 percent in the last two years thanks to refinements in hair transplant techniques and more natural-looking results, according to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery 2009 Practice Census Report. More people are also seeking treatment earlier instead of waiting until hair loss becomes more noticeable. According to the report, the median age of patients undergoing hair restoration surgery in 2008 was 38 years old, which shows a continued gradual decrease in age from prior years.
As with any medical procedure, it's important to seek the advice of a reputable medical doctor to discuss hair restoration treatments and procedures. An experienced medical doctor will need to assess the following factors:
o Current health, including any bleeding or healing disorders
o Age and degree of hair loss
o Quality and quantity of your donor hair, and
o Ultimate cosmetic goal
The first step in the hair transplant process involves the design of the desired hairline. Reconstructing a new hairline requires surgical and artistic skill. It's critically important to get the hairline right the first time and requires considerable forethought and planning. Hairline placement is based on creating the most natural-looking hairline using ultra-refined follicular hair restoration surgery.
Since hairs on the sides and back of the head are generally not affected by hair loss, the surgeon removes donor hair follicles from the sides and back and relocates them to the top of the scalp where hair loss has occurred and the newly transplanted hair grows exactly as it had from the original location.
During the procedure, the hair in the back of the head is lifted and a narrow strip of hair is trimmed. The hair from above covers the area after suturing. Both the top and the back of the scalp are anesthetized and patients may be given the option of a sedative while the local anesthesia is applied. This is usually the only discomfort felt during the procedure and lasts only one or two minutes.
A narrow strip of hair is then removed from the donor area and the skin is brought back together with a simple running stitch. The stitches are covered by your hair and removed in about ten days, usually leaving a fine scar line that is concealed by your own hair.
The surgeon will then make tiny incisions at the hairline for the smallest one to three hair grafts. As the surgeon works backward across the scalp, larger grafts of follicular unit groups will gradually be placed into the scalp. This allows the surgeon to accomplish more density without sacrificing naturalness. During the procedure, patients are awake and can chat with the doctor and the staff. The procedure usually lasts between three to six hours.
Following the hair transplant procedure, patients will receive post-operative instructions, medication and special shampoo. Patients leave the office with a little or no bandage and will be able to shampoo their hair the next day.
Most patients resume normal activity in a day or two. Tiny crusts will form where the transplants have been placed and usually shed in four to seven days. The small hairs in the newly transplanted grafts normally shed within two to four weeks after the procedure, and permanent hair growth begins in eight to 12 weeks. Significant cosmetic hair growth can be expected within six months and full hair growth within nine to 12 months.
Today's hair transplant procedures use natural occurring groupings of one to four hairs known as ultra-refined follicular units. The use of these units helps to ensure that the cosmetic result of the transplant will appear completely natural.
The evolution of hair restoration surgery has allowed this procedure to be practical for other parts of the body, too, including eyebrows and eyelashes. It is also a practical means to address hair thinning commonly seen in women who have a more diffuse female pattern of hair loss. The side-effects of hair transplantation surgery are relatively minor and serious problems are rare. Modern hair transplantation surgery is comfortable, predictable, and the results are more natural than ever before.
Hair Restoration Treatment Using Laser Therapy
One of the recent introductions in the field of non-surgical hair loss treatment is Laser Hair Loss Treatment. The principle behind the treatment procedure is that the appropriate wavelength of light is used to stimulate blood supply to the scalp, which promotes cell growth and other physiological activities. An enhanced supply of nutrients reaches the hair follicles and thus boosts the health of the scalp and the hair shaft. This method of treatment has shown a lot of promise. Remarkable results have been achieved when used in combination with other conventional hair loss treatment products like Rogaine and Propecia. After completing the treatment procedure effective control of hair loss as well as new hair growth have been noticed.
There are different types of laser hair loss treatments available. The mode that will best suit a particular patient, depending upon the patient's particular needs, can be prescribed by a specialist.
Laser Luce LDS 100
This type of laser hair loss treatment has been proved to be effective in stimulating about seventy-percent of hairs in their resting phase. This treatment increases blood flow to the scalp, so that the hair follicles are enabled to absorb more nutrients and thus grow stronger than they were before.
The treatment procedure requires the patient to sit underneath a dome-shaped apparatus the interior of which is lined with low energy laser illuminators. The laser beams are absorbed by the skin excites the blood vessels underlying the deeper layers of skin tissue. Optimal results can be acquired only after the patient undergoes a series of therapy sessions. The treatment is usually combined with other effective hair loss remedies, in order to achieve complete hair restoration.
Low Level Laser Therapy, also called LLLT
Any type of phototherapy or laser-based treatment that does not rupture the skin falls under the general term LLT. The other names are low-power laser, therapeutic laser or soft-laser therapy. Application of LLLT improves the health of existing hair and sustained use stimulates the growth of new hair as well. This non-invasive method of treatment provides a cosmetic cure to hair loss problems. The treatment involves the use of a comb that uses LLLT to heat and massage the scalp. The pores on the scalp are expanded by the heat. An invisible infrared radiation is also emitted by the comb that increases cellular metabolism in the scalp. Increased blood circulation and efficient oxygen supply to the scalp contribute towards restoration of healthy hair growth.
Low Level Laser Therapy is commonly combined with conventional hair restorative treatment programs to ensure a multi-pronged approach in combating hair loss. The combined therapies provide superior results as compared to any other healing method involving the use of a single product only.
LaserComb - The Device for Laser Therapy at Home
Some trichologists recommend the use of a hand-held "laser comb" - a device that administers phototherapy when brushed through the hair and over the scalp. This device is often used as a supplement to the previous two categories of laser therapy in order to provide additional boost to the treatment carried out at the clinic. The use of the laser comb is also advised following the surgical procedure of hair transplantation, in order to quicken the healing process. The patient should consult a doctor prior to making any purchase of the existing models offered in the market.
Treating Hair Loss in Men
Hair loss is more common in males than in females. Male pattern hair loss is the vastly dominant type of shedding amongst men. It develops slowly manifesting a bald spot at the apex of the head then hair loss in the temporal regions. It is normally common in men in their thirties.
The treatment can be through drugs or surgical procedure. Minoxidil and Finasteride provide good temporary solutions and have been used for a long time now. Minoxidil is applied to the skin of the head and it fuels the development of hair. It is unisex, and can be purchased over the counter making it easily available. There are occasional complications of using Minoxidil. This drug can work in some people and fail in others. It slows alopecia in 0.9 % of the users.
Finasteride is commonly used to treat prostate in men but has been found to have a stimulatory effect on hair growth. It is only prescribed by a doctor and starts to show effect in 3 months. It has little complications such as hypertrophy of breasts and lips and also reduced libido
Hair transplant is so far the closest cure MPHL (Male Pattern Hair Loss) has with lasting effect. Hair follicles from healthy areas are transplanted to shedded areas. This procedure can give lasting solutions but is however is accompanied by a change in lifestyle
Since hair loss in men is mainly due to hormonal or hereditary factors, its treatment will normally require something that inhibits the action of these factors.
The most predominant hair loss in males is the one known as pattern baldness. In this condition, the shedding of the hair retreats from the hairline and also dominates on the crown of the head. Hair loss in males is mainly due to hereditary factors in the genes and to hormones known as androgens. This is why the condition is known as Androgenic alopecia.
There are many products which can be used by males experiencing this problem. Some are effective and others are not. Which products are regarded as the most effective ones?
People often recommend the men's Rogaine Extra Strength hair regrowth treatment as the best product for the treatment of aging androgenetic alopecia, generally called the male and female pattern baldness. It contains 5% minoxidil and is applied twice daily. If stopped, any hair regrowth will be lost shortly afterward. It may take up to 9 months to notice results. According to experts, this treatment is more effective for use by women but the theory has not been proved.
This product was made to be used by men only. It is commonly used to treat prostate in men but has been found to have a stimulatory effect on hair growth. It is only prescribed by a doctor and starts to show effect in 3 months. This drug works by retaining the hair that is already in the head rather than growing new hair. Complications from this treatment are hypertrophy of breasts and lips and reduced libido.
Hair Loss - Regrowth Treatments to Grow Hair Fast and Naturally
By the time most women and men reach middle age, they will have experienced some form of hair loss. Regrowth treatments can help slow this process down. You may be overwhelmed by the seemingly endless supply of thinning hair treatments on the market. You can narrow your search by eliminating the medicated treatments because they contain chemicals which can jeopardize your health if they are used for the long term. Natural treatments are a lot less risky and can offer the same results.
Consult a Physician
When it comes to treating hair loss, regrowth products are designed to treat specific conditions. This is why it is important for you to first find out why you are losing your hair. Your physician can run some tests to determine the cause of your thinning hair.
The loss of hair is usually the body's way of signaling that there is a medical condition which needs to be addressed. It is important for you to take care of your health. This will make it easier for you to grow hair.
Thinning hair can be a symptom of illnesses such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, lupus, anemia, and stress.
Androgenic Alopecia
Androgenic alopecia is the main cause of thinning hair in both women and men. It is linked to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone destroys the hair follicles. As a result, the strands begin to fall out. New strands cannot grow in because the follicles are no longer able to function. The end result is a long slow process of hair loss. Regrowth products for this condition will reduce the production of DHT.
Natural Treatments for Hair Loss and Regrowth
Olive oil can stimulate growth. It penetrates the scalp to lift dirt and bacteria which can clog the follicles and prevent the strands from growing.
Green tea contains compounds which prevent DHT from forming in the body. It works best if it is applied directly to the scalp.
Vitamin B is another effective treatment for hair loss. Regrowth occurs as the vitamin strengthens the strands by helping them maintain their cellular structure.
Causes of Hair Loss - Treatments For Causes of Hair Loss
Hair loss is bad enough and embarrassing for many who suffer with it. Many believe they must be resigned to their fate. This is not true anymore. Seeking treatment as early as possible will provide a better chance of halting the problem and preventing any further loss. It is possible, though not in all cases, to have some hair re-growth.
Normal Hair Growth Cycle
Hair goes through three basic phases on an ongoing basis. All of your hairs do not grow at the same rate or at the same time. The Anagen phase is the growth phase and just over 80% of your hairs are in this phase at any given time. This phase can last up to ten years.
The Catagen phase is a time of transitions when the hair is between growth and resting. It lasts for only a week or so. Only about 1% of your hair is affected. The Telogen phase is the resting phase which lasts approximately 6 weeks. The hair then dies and falls out. The Anagen/growth phase then begins all over again.
Loss in Men and Women
Some loss of hair naturally occurs as we age. If you are seeing more hair than usual in your brush or on your pillow, you might consider at least consulting with your doctor to see whether you should consider treatment.
Loss of hair in men usually will begin in the temple areas and progress toward the back of the head. This can result in hair being left on the sides and back of the head or complete loss.
Loss in women begins with an overall thinning of the hair. Loss is also noted along a part site of women. A part is where the hair is separated leaving a line in a woman's hair.
Causes of Hair Problems
There are two types of causes of hair problems: avoidable causes of hair fall out and unavoidable causes of baldness. Within these categories is a wide array of the causes of baldness.
Avoidable causes include excessive use of hair products such as dies, tints, and straighteners. When used properly these things don't normally cause loss of hair. Hair can become burned and brittle. Excessive washing and blow drying of your hair can damage it and cause it to fall out. Hairstyles can be stressful on the hair as well. In tight styles such as ponytails and braids the hair is pulled tight. The hair becomes weak and breaks off. If the hair lies in an unnatural position for too long it could also be a cause of baldness.
Unavoidable causes include child birth and pregnancy or the use of birth control. About 3 months after delivery a woman will likely experience the fall out of what seems like a lot of hair. Pregnancy keeps hair in the growing phase for a longer period than normal. That hair then when it goes into the resting stage will fall off. The normal hair growth cycle will eventually return and the hair you lost will grow back over time.
For some people, a diet that is deficient in protein could also cause problems with ones hair. This can cause hair loss because the body takes that protein meant to grow hair to supply the rest of the body.
Illness, high fever, major surgery, or injury can cause hair to fall out. Some medications especially those used in chemotherapy and radiation will cause minor baldness but once the treatments are ended, over time hair will grow back. Sometimes the hair may change in quality and even color. Stress of all kinds can also cause hair ailments.
There are avoidable causes of blandness as well as those that are not avoidable. Some types of hair problems can be stopped; further loss prevented, and in some cases have hair grow back after treatments. Research suggests that early treatment gives hair the best chance of recovery.
Causes and Treatment of Hairloss in Women
Hair usually grow at the rate of half an inch per month, and each hair goes through a growth phase of two to six year. After this, the hair rests for a while, and then falls out, giving way for new hair to grow from the same follicle. Most people think that only men suffer from hairloss, but millions of women all over the world suffer from some form of hair loss, and the number of suffering women is increasing each year.
Sudden hairloss is not dangerous or painful, but 60% women suffering from it find it very devastating emotionally, that affects their career and marriage, and causes many other psychological problems.
Baldness is one of the most traumatic experiences for any woman, and it can be devastatingly heartbreaking. No woman ever contemplates seeing her hair fall out in lumps, and still not able to do anything about it. Baldness occurs when hair fall out, but is not replaced by new hair.
Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hairfall seen in women, and it is also known as female pattern alopecia. The hair start thinning predominantly on the sides and top of the head. It can begin as early as puberty, but is mainly seen after menopause.
Physical stress, medications, thyroid abnormalities, emotional stress, rapid weight change, illness, anemia, hormonal changes such as menopause, pregnancy and birth control pills, diet, and ringworm are some of the common causes of temporary and permanent hair loss.
Female pattern baldness is different from male pattern baldness, and this may include breaking of hair, temporary shedding of hair, skin disease or patchy areas of total losing hair. Female pattern baldness is usually mild or moderate, and is permanent.
If the person is comfortable, no treatment is required to cover the baldness, but for those who want a cure, minoxidil is the only medication that has been approved by FDA. It is applied on the scalp, and helps hair grow in 40-90% of the population. There is also an option of hair transplant, or using wigs to hide the bald spots.
There are many myths associated with hairfall such as frequent shampooing leads to hair fall, perms, coloring and other cosmetic treatments cause permanent hair loss, wigs and hats cause hair loss, shaving the head make hair grow back thicker, dandruff can cause permanent hair loss, standing on one's head increases the circulation and stimulate hair growth, hair loss affects only the intellectuals, hair loss does not occur in the teens or in early twenties, certain cosmetic products cause hair to grow faster and thicker and there is a cure for androgenetic Alopecia. These myths are very common, but most specialists suggest that you should get your hair diagnosed thoroughly by an experience dermatologist, and develop a better understanding of the treatment options best suitable for you.
Hair Loss Research - What Does the Future Hold?
The days of bad toupees and worse looking plug jobs are just about behind us. For more than 99% of human history, hair loss has pretty much been an unavoidable part of life. If you lived long enough, sooner or later, your hair, so dense and vibrant in youth, would thin, perhaps just a little, perhaps to the point of slick baldness. Until quite recently, no one could predict with certainty how extensive the loss would be. Even today, there is more art then science in gauging the rate, degree and extent of alopecia that any given person will experience.
For a certain percentage of people affected by the problem, the issue of baldness was never much of an issue. They recognized it as a normal part of aging, shrugged, sighed, and got on with the business of getting through their day. But for others, hair loss became the defining touchstone in their lives, driving many to desperation and some poor souls even to the point of suicide. Pattern hair loss also inspired a legion of creative individuals to imagine solutions, some quite ingenious, others just plain bad.
For thousands of years, concoctions were brewed, hair pieces fabricated, and incantations uttered, all in an effort to turn back the cruel tide. What always remained elusive was a genuine cure.
But as the saying goes, times they are a'changin. Particularly, within the past twenty years, medical science has begun to catch up with pent-up demand. Before we discuss things further, some perspective.
For the sake of brevity, let us touch on the three primary means to address pattern hair loss today. Cosmetic cover up, medical treatment, and surgical restoration. Cosmetic cover up consists of two main approaches. The first involves coloring the scalp or bulking up the hair so as to camouflage the problem. Alternatively, non-living hair may be applied to the scalp in some fashion, e.g. by the use of hair pieces or wigs.
Medical treatment is defined as the use of drugs or, more recently, naturally-derived reagents, either with the intention of preventing hair loss, or thickening hair that is in the process of being lost. These drugs or natural compositions may be ingested orally or applied to the scalp, depending on their design.
Surgical restoration is a means to redistribute viable hair bearing skin tissue from the sides and back of the scalp to the front and top so that a cosmetically improved appearance is achieved. Kind of like using sections of lawn from your back yard to fill in empty spots in your front yard. Each of these treatment choices has their place and each has their limitations. At the present time, no single option works well for everyone.
But in coming years, the choices will undoubtedly get better. Much better, in fact. Today, in teaching universities, private labs and elsewhere, the search is on to develop a legitimate cure for pattern hair loss. With the space remaining, this article shall focus on the two most likely candidate approaches likely to bear fruit, gene therapy and hair cloning.
In the next decade, gene therapy will certainly become one of the game changers of 21st Century medicine. At the molecular heart of most debilitating and lethal disease, genetic mutations do their dirty work. Numerous forms of cancer, diseases of aging, and yes, even common pattern hair loss owe their pathogeneses to genetic mutation. Think of genes as the software running the cellular hardware in our bodies and you begin to grasp the concept of how genetic mutation occurs.
As the cells in our body age they are generally replaced, often multiple times. Copies of copies of copies are churned out, for the most part, each without defect or flaw. But as time passes, genetic errors accumulate. Some of these errors are relatively minor and we never notice their occurrence. Others are more serious. Eventually, the errors are serious enough that clinical disease ensues. Gene therapy is a methodology and a new medical discipline that, organ system by organ system, will, in effect, correct genetic errors and restore the cellular machinery to optimal performance.
In the hair follicle, key genes have already been identified, that when pathologically mutated, result in hair growth dysfunction. There are any number of hair loss diseases and most are mediated in some manner by genetic events. Common pattern hair loss happens to be a disorder where a number of genes effectively conspire to gang up on susceptible scalp hair follicles causing them to whither and die. Correcting these genetic errors, gene by gene, is high on the list of those molecular biologists focused on the problem at hand.
Hair cloning takes a different approach to the challenge in that rather than reprograming defective cellular machinery, brand new hair follicles are grown as complete organ structures from a carefully selected population of stem cells in vitro. These stem cells are extracted from whatever viable donor hair remains and amplified under culture conditions so that they become numerous. The cells are then subjected to growth factors and other stimuli whereby entire hair follicles are created in a three dimensional in vitro setting.
Ultimately, when viable, these newly grown hair follicles will be inserted into the denuded areas of the scalp where, presumably, they will happily and vigorously recapitulate a pattern of healthy hair growth. This amazing feat will require a synthesis of molecular biology, proteomics, 3D tissue scaffolding, and other marvels of 21st Century science. To cite but one facet of the daunting complexity, we will need to have an exquisitely detailed understanding of extra-cellular matrix protein dynamics such that the new hair follicle's structural axis and polarity may be properly aligned. Let's go through that concept again, but this time using an easy, albeit imperfect, analogy.
Imagine, for a moment that you are trying to create a new onion from onion stem cells. At some point in the process you'll probably want to make sure that the roots are pointing down and the stalk is pointing up, so that you don't plant your onions upside down. Same principles apply here. All the parts and pieces need to fit together correctly so that the machine works as it should. Using this crude analogy we can begin to appreciate some of the challenges of working in three dimensions that do not occur when, for example, growing a simple monolayer of cells in a petri dish.
Monumental challenges notwithstanding, the odds are reasonably good that in the coming decade, one or both of these approaches will constitute the new state-of-the-art in hair restoration methodology.
Remedy for Hair Loss - Regrow Hair Fast and Naturally
Our society places a great emphasis on hair. For women, it represents part of their style and beauty. Men value a full and healthy head of hair as well. No one likes to notice that their hair is thinning. Sometimes people feel helpless by their loss of hair because they do not know how to stop their hair from falling out. You can get your hair to grow back by using an effective natural remedy for hair loss.
Consult a Physician
Before you decide which remedy for hair loss to use, you should first find out why your hair is shedding excessively. This will make it easier for you to know which treatment will work best for you. Thinning hair can be a symptom of a thyroid disorder, anemia, lupus, or poor nutrition.
For most women and men, their thinning hair is caused by androgenic alopecia. This is an inherited condition which usually occurs during middle age. It causes men to lose some or all of the hair on top of the head. Women will notice thinning in the crown and temple area.
Androgenic alopecia is caused by an excessive production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT destroys the follicles leaving them unable to hold onto the hair. This makes it impossible for new hair to grow in.
Castor Oil
Castor oil is an effective remedy for hair loss. It strengthens the strands and helps them grow. Take one teaspoon of castor oil and massage it into your scalp. Cover your head with a plastic cap and leave it on overnight. Rinse it out in the morning with warm water.
Herbal Remedy for Hair Loss
Green tea can stimulate hair growth in people who have androgenic alopecia. This remedy for hair loss reduces the production of DHT. It is most effective when the tea is applied directly to the scalp.
Hair Loss, Prevention and Its Treatments
Alopecia or hair loss is never considered a bizarre phenomenon by almost all hair care specialists. This condition inevitably afflicts both men and women all over the world and that in some clinical investigations, hair lose also affects teenagers and some children.
Naturally, the human hair is made up of protein called keratin and the standard and hair growth cycle greatly depends on the form and functions of the hair fiber. It is believed that hair fibers are the only parts of the body that can be totally renewed without scarring.
There are many causes of thinning hair/baldness and one of the most prevalent is caused by genetic. This is predominant in males, though women are also targeted by this. The hair follicles of males are genetically sensitive to the effects of the hormone dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT is a derivative or by-product of the hormone testosterone which converts into a much stronger and potent hormone dihydrotestosterone with the aid of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. DHT is a proven damaging chemical to the hair follicles, which makes them weaker and weaker then they eventually die, making all the hair to fall out from the scalp that leads to baldness. Other causes of thinning hair/baldness include malnutrition, hormonal disorders (in women), crash diet, strong medications, illnesses, and scalp infections.
Men's thinning hair/baldness is totally different from women. Men tend to show specific patterns on their heads such as the "M" or horseshoe patter at the front, and a bald spot is visibly seen at the top or crown area of the head. Female balding on the other hand is generally more of a thinning hair, which commonly occurs on the crown area of the head and thus preserving the hairline. This type of hair lose in women is also called diffuse hair thinning.
This also indicates that treatments for men's balding can also be different from women. Typically, men are treated with minoxidil topical solution with the concentration of 5 percent and a drug used everyday which is the finasteride pill. These two treatments both inhibit DHT production in the scalp and body respectively and are also thought to stimulate hair regrowth with aggravating side effects. Women are treated with minoxidil 2 percent topical solution and are not allowed to have an intake of the finasteride drug as it can provide teratogenic effects on a fetus. There are numerous hair treatments being offered nowadays and it is really important to pick the best, genuine and efficient one to avoid complications.
Today, LEIMO is the most sought-after hair loss treatment for both men and women that is widely utilized by many people. Leimo was originally marketed in Australia which is known for its purity, efficiency and potency. It has become a famous treatment and hence it has helped people improve their hair loss condition. Now, Leimo is offering free hair loss treatment pack in the United Kingdom. The pack consists of a hair loss shampoo and other potent topical solutions that effectively halt further hair loss. If you think you are one of the millions who suffer from this dreadful condition, then you can get the Leimo Hair Treatment Pack for free. You can enjoy the wonders of our products in stopping hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth significantly. Visit our website for more details.
Procerin: An Ideal Natural Hair Loss Treatment
Losing one's hair is a common occurrence as one ages. However, imagining yourself, balding at the young age of thirty? That may be a horrendous though, but it does happen to a lot of people, and it can happen to you.
IF you're plagued by hair loss today, then you may have read up and done some research on balding and loss of hair treatments.
There are hair implants and medication that help to restore one's hair, but sometimes these invasive or pharmaceutical treatments may pose problems in the long run. One of the best ways to address this problem is through using natural hair loss treatment and remedies.
Procerin is just one of the many treatments for loss of hair that are targeted for people who want to go the all - natural route. It is a two part product that involves a systemic application and topical one as well.
It contains growth stimulating ingredients like Saw Palmetto Berries, Gotu Kola, Nettles, Vitamin B6, Magnesium and the like that work on stimulating the follicles. Procerin is especially designed for male hair issues thus addressing problems associated with balding caused by the formation of DHT from testosterone.
Procerin has been lauded by thousands of users worldwide and have garnered thousands of followers. Users who have tried the product for several months now boast a head full of hair and have not experienced hair loss since..
Because it is all natural, it is very safe to use and no side effects have been reported during the course of application.
Tips For Women Losing Hair - Natural Hair Loss Treatments
There is a lot of information out there about what men can do about thinning hair. Not as much attention is devoted to the issue of women losing hair. Women do not talk about this issue as much. However, they do have many options treat this condition. Natural hair loss treatments can help stimulate growth to replace lost hair.
Consult a Physician
For some women, losing hair is a symptom of a medical problem. This is why it is a good idea to consult a physician before looking into natural hair loss treatments. Thinning hair can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, thyroid problems, lupus, anemia, or certain medications. If there is a medical issue, get it treated and your strands may eventually start growing back.
Female Pattern Baldness
Female pattern baldness is the nickname for a condition known as androgenic alopecia. It is linked to the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which women produce in their ovaries. DHT damages the follicles causing the strands to fall out.
Some Styling Habits Result in Women Losing Hair
The use of harsh chemicals can result in women losing hair. Chemicals strip away natural protein from the strands damaging their structure and causing them to fall out. Many of these damaging chemicals are found in perms, hair dyes, sprays, and shampoos
The heat from flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers can also put a lot of stress on the strands which may lead to excessive shedding.
Scalp Massages
Women losing hair can stimulate growth by massaging their scalp regularly. This will help to increase circulation and blood flow to the scalp. The blood carries vitamins and minerals to the roots where the strands receive the nourishment. So a healthy blood flow is important to make sure the strands receive adequate nutrients.
Olive Oil
Applying olive oil to the hair helps to condition the strands and make them stronger. Shampoo your hair with a natural shampoo and massage the olive oil into your hair and scalp. Cover your head with a plastic cap to seal in the heat from your head. Your natural heat will allow the olive oil to penetrate your strands. Leave it on for one hour and then rinse it off.
Hair Loss New Treatment - Are the New Treatments Reliable?
With the advent of hair loss new treatment, more and more people are getting their hopes up. When science ventured into the cure for hair loss, they really searched every nook and cranny for all possibilities that can help this problem. But the question is, are they reliable?
Let us find out all the newest treatments from highly sophisticated medical treatments to the simplest cosmetic treatments.
This new treatment for tress loss is most likely the safest method, not to mention the easiest. But of course, it is not permanent. In the past, wigs are not a good choice because they look unnatural and they can easily come off with a gust of strong wind or a sudden down pouring of rain. It can evoke awkward and embarrassing situations.
But not anymore. There are so many high quality wigs sold nowadays. You can wear one and nobody will even suspect it.
There is the monofilament wig. This is called monofilament because of the material where the hair strands are attached. This is very thin and it closely resembles gauze. This material can let your scalp breathe and will not irritate it when used for a long time. You can easily style the wig because monofilament is flexible.
Hair Loss Transplants
It is no secret that one of the best forms of medical procedures when it comes to male pattern baldness is hair loss transplant. This method has a very high success rating but it is undeniably expensive.
Cole hair transplant is one of the newest technologies today. This technology boasts of a non-strip technology. The first transplant procedures use strip technology.
This means the surgical doctor will slice out a tissue from a part of your scalp as the donor. This will leave an ugly scar. This will hinder the patient from having shorter hairstyles in the future.
But Cole Isolation Technique does not use this method. The donor tissue is thinned out and groups of hair are imbedded in the affected areas.
Hair Replacement
Bosley hair loss replacement closely resembles that of Cole Isolation technique. The process is similar but this can be used not just for the hair but also for the eyebrows.
Hair Loss New Treatment and Products
There are also new products manufactured to promote and encourage regrowth. Most of these products use natural ingredients and herbal plants which are hardly new but they can be considered innovative because of how they are combined with other effective ingredients.
Whatever hair loss new treatment you decide to use, make sure this is the safest one. Make sure it has a high success rating and find out how much you can benefit from it. This way, your chances of having fuller and thicker hair will be higher.
Hair Loss, Hair Growth, and Worthwhile Treatment Options Explained
If you're not that familiar with hair loss, hair growth, and treatment options for both, then this article is just for you. It goes over the normal hair cycle and explains which type of treatments work best if your hair cycle pattern is irregular.
So your hair actually goes through a cycle of both growth and rest. Generally, the growth phase lasts about two to three years and your hair grows about 1 centimeter every month. The resting phase lasts for three to four months and when it's complete, the strand will fall out and a new one will begin the growth stage again.
This may surprise you, but the average human sheds between 50 and 100 hairs a day. But since there are about 100,000 individual follicles in your scalp, this is never noticeable. The fact of the matter is that hair loss and hair regrowth is something that we all experience (just to different degrees in some people).
However, if you are starting to notice that your hair is getting thinner or patches of it are falling out, it may be a sign of excessive hair loss. The general rule is that hair loss may lead to balding when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of regrowth.
What options do you have available if you are excessively loosing your hair?
Even though there are literally HUNDREDS of different hair loss, hair growth, and cosmetic hair products available on the market, I would strongly suggest only going with treatment options that contain one of the ingredients approved by the FDA. There's only two of them, so it definitely helps narrow down the choices you have.
The one that's been approved most recently is Finasteride, a prescription medication that you take orally. This treatment option has the highest percentage of success out of all known solutions. However, the fact that it presents the possibility of experiencing adverse sexual side effects prevents many people from trying it. Talk to your doctor to learn more about Finasteride.
The other FDA-approved substance for hair loss and hair regrowth is Minoxidil. This is a topically-applied substance and you don't need a prescription to use it. It may not work for as many people as Finasteride does, but clinical studies do show that people who use it experience an increase in hair follicles in the area. Plus, there's no threat of adverse sexual side effects.
Hair Loss Treatment - Plausible Scientific Solutions
Laser treatment
The laser is a scientific tool that among other uses is used to enact hair loss treatment. The laser treatment involves the use of the light energy to create hair re-growth stimulation and to re-establish the micro-circulatory system via the scalp reinstatement. The treatment is a bid to help the body heal its own self and especially as far as the growth of hair is concerned. Laser treatment is a plausible and proven scientific tool to treat hair loss and works under the principle that light is an important feature in cell function and as a result it can be an important healing agent. The treatment is considered safe for both the men and women alike who are steeped in an unwanted loss of hair.
Hair regeneration
This is considered a novel scientific idea that in conjunction with the functioning of cells help in rebuilding the loss of hair. It works in a process to curb pattern loss of hair that is also referred to as androgenetic alopecia. The scientific studies for the best regeneration process for hair loss treatment are currently being done in the United States following its introduction in the UK. What actually happens is that keratinocytes and fibroblasts which are the twin hair cells are studied and tissue engineering to rebuild the cells is enacted in order to create an environment where the hair can grow back. Hair regeneration is a scientific means to grow back hair and although it is in its advanced stages of studies of the tested few, it has been shown to work.
Hair transplant surgery
There are certain babies that are born with baldness under the spell of a condition called Congenital Temporal Alopecia or CTA. The scientific hair loss treatment that has been known to work in this case is hair transplant surgery. What the doctors do is place follicular unit grafts in the number that will fit the bald patch and soon the hair just grows normally like the rest.
Scientific hair loss treatment has proven to be a means to get successful with hair re-growth, transplant and regeneration. It is therefore something that should be considered keenly if one wants to stop hair loss.
Hair Loss Treatment: Do it the Natural Way!
Hair loss treatment can be done inexpensively by doing it the natural way. You may not have the money to afford any surgery. Simply pay attention to your diet and make use of natural plants for hair loss treatment.
Your Diet Matters in Hair Loss Treatment
You may have forgotten that the hair is composed of protein therefore it is a must that you take in sufficient protein in order to maintain a healthy hair. To be able to sustain a healthy hair growth, nutrients are needed as they do take care of the hair and the scalp. The numerous nutrients which you need to take in are protein, B-complex, Vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids, and cysteine, which is another amino acid. Any deficiency with these nutrients is likely to cause hair loss. Vegetarians should not forget that they should integrate foods rich in protein in their diets such as the beans, wheat, brown rice, corn, nuts, or seeds. The cysteine is another amino acid which makes up the protein. It can be found in foods rich in sulfur like the meat, fish, egg yolks, onion, nuts, garlic, kale, raspberries, and cabbage. This amino acid is also a renowned detoxifier.
The vitamin B, most especially the biotin, aids in maintaining the health of hair. Among the best sources of the vitamin are the egg yolks, milk, meat, brewer's yeast, soybeans, saltwater fish, and whole grains. You should remember that taking in the uncooked egg whites deplete the biotin content in the body so therefore eating it must be avoided. The use of saccharin which is commonly found in most toothpastes and taking in of antibiotics also produce an adverse effect on your body's biotin absorption.
Then, make sure you take in enough Vitamin A. The best sources are broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, fish liver oil, yellow squash, spinach, sweet potatoes, peaches, and cantaloupes. Vitamin C is another very important component that ensures a healthy hair. It can be found from the citrus fruits, green vegetables, and berries.
The Omega-3 fatty acids are needed for a good circulation that will feed the hair roots. It also supplies the body with enough motivation to get on with the production of the hormones. Its best sources are the tuna, salmon, and flaxseed.
Plants that Help out with the Hair Loss Treatment
Among nature's components which help out in hair loss treatments are the aloe vera, jojoba, henna, capsicum, lemongrass, and Dong Quai. What are these? What good do they bring as hair loss treatments?
The aloe vera promotes the balancing of the scalp's Ph and then heals from the inside. It also cleans the pores. The jojoba treats eczema, dandruff, seborrhea, and psoriasis. It works well as a moisturizer so hair loss can be minimized. The henna works as a natural conditioner, repairs, stops hair breakage, and restores the silkiness and shine of the hair. The capsicum treats hair loss by as much as 50% and heightens the flow of blood. The lemongrass stabilizes the oil in the scalp and gives out enough nourishment for the hair. The Dong Quai possesses phytoestrogens that minimizes the buildup of the DHT.
It never fails to secure the natural hair loss treatments via the use of herbal plants and maintaining a proper diet. Your hair is your crowning glory. Hence, learn to take care of it.
Reduce the Female Balding Process With Alternative Hair Loss Treatments
Most of the attention about hair loss is centered around the way this condition affects men. The truth is that just as many women are rapidly losing their strands. Female balding can be even more devastating because of all of the pressures women face to maintain a healthy head of hair. There are alternative hair loss treatments that can help women regrow their strands.
Be Gentle With Your Strands
One of the best ways to prevent female balding is to pamper the stands. Perms, relaxers, coloring, and other styling products contain chemicals which strip away protein and other nutrients from the strands. This weakens the strands making them extremely vulnerable to breakage.
You can replace some of the proteins the strands lose during the styling process by giving your hair a natural deep conditioning treatment. Cleanse your strands using a shampoo containing natural ingredients such as biotin, coconut oil, or aloe vera. Then massage olive oil into your scalp and damp strands. Put a plastic cap on your head to seal in the heat generated from your heat. Your body heat will allow your strands to absorb the protein from the olive oil.
Scalp Massages Can Prevent Female Balding
It is very important to keep the blood flowing to the scalp. Nutrients, vitamins, and proteins are carried to the roots through the blood flow. One way to increase the flow of blood is to massage the scalp. Do this every day for about 15 minutes and over time you will notice that your hair will become thicker. Another benefit of a scalp massage is that it helps clear out dirt, bacteria and other debris which can block important nutrients from reaching the roots.
Herbal Hair Loss Treatments
The herb saw palmetto can prevent female balding in women who have androgenic alopecia, which is also known as female pattern baldness. It curbs the production of a hormone which makes the strands fall out. Green tea has compounds which stimulates hair growth. Herbal hair loss treatments can take a while to work so use them regularly.
Natural Treatment Of Body Hair Loss
Body Hair Loss is becoming more noticed than ever before, particularly in older age. This problem isn't related to one sex either. It's not limited to your scalp but rather Body hair loss can occur from head to toe. It happens increasingly as you age; results from many factors such as radiation, diet, stress, hormonal imbalance, among many others.
The best way to deal with body hair loss is prevention. Dealing with the cause of it, prevents damage that will later show in hair loss. It can bring a longer body hair lifespan of the sort. Whether you already have body hair loss, or are simply thinking about your body and the future; you will want to find out more on what causes body hair loss.
One of the reasons is changes in hormonal balance throughout life. This affects everyone and no two people are exactly alike. This impacts hair growth in a large way as hormones is required to produce hair itself. Different stages of life impact hair growth at this level, and are a matter of natural human course.
There are medical products to deal with body hair loss. They range from over the counter solutions on upward to prescription drugs that must be prescribed by physicians. This is an area that is hard to deal with since again, no two people are alike, so no single solution will fix all; even for two different people with the exact same cause of body hair loss.
A couple final notes in this area should be considered as well. It's not easy to medically inspire hair growth. It's even tougher to restart hair growth after the damaging cause has progressed a ways. Another important aspect of medical products to induce body hair growth is the fact that many are allergic to them and can have reactions. You should always consult your physician even when considering over the counter remedies.
Common Causes of Body Hair Loss
First off, everyone suffers a loss between one hundred and two hundred strands a day in their body. This loss is natural. At this level prevention can provide some help reducing permanent loss. Of course you are simply slowing the aging process.
Most of the time for men, the cause is hormonal problem. Research has revealed that hair body growth in men is very much related to the hormone testosterone which is needed for them to produce hair. For women it's often more related to changes later in life, and the loss can also be caused by pregnancy to some extent.
Cosmetic Surgery Options
Today with advances in technology there are a few possible treatments for body hair loss, though they require good medical workup, and beyond this, may have side-effects that weren't expected. Many people do consult and find varying results. Medicine and radiation therapy are a couple of the methods used. This isn't an instant fix and can take six months of longer.
Healthy Solution through Great Diet
Much weight on everything these days is on physical fitness, and even how we try to live longer. It would be a shortcoming to forget to mention these things also slow down the aging process a lot. Some believe that body hair loss can be avoided with a healthy lifestyle and good diet with varying results as well.
Eating of nutritional food is very important throughout life, and it definitely does impact body hair loss as well. Eating a healthy diet balanced with many necessary minerals and other needs will help you. Among the needs are: calcium, iodine, iron, proteins, magnesium, selenium, sulfur, zinc, and silica.
You can find these in foods such as dairy products, meat, green vegetables, grains, fish, rice, onions, and more. Keeping a limit on junk food may help lower your body hair loss as well. So next time you sit down at your table, keep in mind how you may better prevent this loss some in your body.
Hair Loss - Regrow Hair with Natural Remedies
Herbal Treatments: Natural Remedies for Women's Hair loss
With hair thinning and hair loss in women as well as in men are getting more and more prevalent day by day, this has become one of the most talked about issues of worries in the modern days. Hair fall is not a new thing in human society, but recently it has become too common in women. With an understanding that beautiful hair is an essence of the beauty of women, this extract is all about how to treat hair loss naturally - especially herbal remedies. The Ayurvedic oils that are meant for scalp massaging typically contain some hair friendly ingredients. Those special ingredients are essentially certain herbs that have been proved to have immense benefit insofar hair growth is concerned.
If you are planning to make use to all these herbs directly, without using the scalp massage oil, you are amongst those thousands of women who got great effect by doing so. All you need to make the potion by yourself at your home. All these herbs have to be slow-cooked with the oil, which should then be stained, before it becomes fit to be used. Here are those beneficial herbs and their specific benefits:
o Brahmi: Brahmi helps to calm your mind and your nervous system. It is also quite a lot nourishing for your hair and ensures thick hair.
o Amlaki: Amlaki has immense benefit on your hair, just apart from being really nourishing for your hair. It prevents premature thinning of hair. It also prevents graying of hair at an early age. Amlaki also benefits by preventing dry scalps and dandruffs - the major factor for hair loss in females and males.
o Bhringaraj: Bhringaraj, which translates to "king of tresses", is again another beneficial herb for hair loss remedies. Bhringaraj gives adequate nourishment to your hair.
o Hibiscus: Hibiscus protects the hair pigment and vitality
o Rosemary and Lavender: Rosemary and Lavender are excellent herbs that promote hair growth, by stimulating follicles
o Neem: Neem is an excellent cleansing agent.
How to make the Elixir
Take all these ingredients in a bowl and pour enough oil. Remember, almond oil or sesame oil will be best as the base. Boil these ingredients in the oil some time. Once the oil has completely changed the color, stop boiling. Keep it covered for a couple of hours in a cool place. Remove the herbs and stain the oil. Applying this is easy. Just pour a little amount of this potion oil in a bowl and heat is softly in some hot water. Apply the luke warm oil as scalp massage oil at least twice to thrice a week. Each time you apply it, keep it for an hour or so and then shampoo it out with a gentle shampoo and wash your hair. If you need to know more about nature's secrets to permanently get rid of hair loss and thinning of hair login to my blog Natural Hair Loss treatment
Herbal Hair Loss Treatment Out In The Market
People across the world suffer from different types of hair loss, for some it start I patches and spreads to other places on the head, and for others it starts with receding hairline. The most common is called alopecea, which is common in both men and women. After visiting a hair expert or dermatologist, you will be clear on what is causing this condition, and will know what to do to resolve this. In most cases, it is either genetics or harmful chemical that is the cause for hair loss. Many worry about using chemical based products to treat this condition, and wonder if it will cause more harm than benefit. This is why there are a multitude of herbal products available in the market to solve hair loss woes.
If you are looking at quick fixing the problem, it is not available. Any kind of treatment has to be given its due course of time before results are visible and there are no guarantees since different people experience different reactions. For those who don't have time to wait, there is always the option of cosmetic surgery and hair transplants. These will work well, but you might need constant attention and maintenance, plus your hair will not look very real. If the person is taking treatment for cancer or other terminally ill diseases, and have been facing hair loss, they can use a wig till the treatment is completed and hair begins to grow back.
For those interested in herbal hair loss treatment, here are some options,-
1. Aloe vera -
Known to work wonders for any kind of injury or condition, this herb is a natural remedy for many. It is available in gel and shampoo form and helps in removing toxins from scalp, promoting hair growth. If you have fungal infection or a boil on your scalp, it could lead to hair loss in that particular area, and by using aloe vera, you can eradicate this infection and get your scalp healthy and stimulated.
2. Saw palmetto -
A perfect herbal cure is for obstructing the DHT from working in our body, especially in bald men. It works very well in androgenic alopecea, which is a type of male or female balding pattern. This is the hair loss where thinning of hair begins near the temple region and at the top of the head, the crown region. It is said to block the movement of the testosterone hormone getting converted.
3. Jojoba Oil -
Oil that can be used for skin ailments, such as allergies also works for stimulating of hair growth. It cleanses the scalp of any sebum and also prevents the follicles from getting blocked. It leaves hair looking healthy, and shiny.
4. Ginseng -
To give our scalp that extra bit of strength and to promote hair growth, ginseng is used. It is a plant that originated from China but today is popular all over the world for its effectiveness is curing nail, skin and hair related issues.
Preventing Hair Loss With Homemade Natural Hair Growth Treatments
Preventing hair loss by using natural ingredients can be a very effective way to stimulate the strands to grow faster and healthier. Not only is this an effective way to thicken your strands, it is also quite inexpensive because you can stimulate natural hair growth using homemade treatments made from foods you probably already have.
Nourishing the Strands
Your strands are made mostly out of protein and they need protein food sources for nourishment. In fact, without protein the strands cannot grow and will start shedding excessively. One way to make sure the strands are properly fed is to make sure you are getting enough vitamin B. This vitamin is necessary so that the body can produce protein for the strands. You can get vitamin B from supplements and by eating foods such as potatoes and eggs.
You can also nourish your strands by using protein foods as topical treatments to stimulate growth. You can make a nice protein conditioner for your strands by combining one tablespoon of honey with the same amount of olive oil. Massage the mixture into your hair and scalp and cover your head with a plastic cap. Let it stay on for about 30 minutes. The plastic cap will seal in the heat generated from your head. This heat will allow the strands to absorb the nutrients from the honey and olive oil, which will make the strands stronger.
Preventing Hair Loss With a Vitamin E Scalp Massage
One simple treatment which is very effective in preventing hair loss is a good scalp massage. The gentle movements of your fingertips against your head will increase your blood flow. A healthy blood flow helps to stimulate natural hair growth because the flow of blood carries protein and other nutrients to the roots.
You can get even better results by adding vitamin E oil into the mix. Cut open a vitamin E capsule and dab the oil onto your fingertips. Vitamin E also increases blood flow and circulation. It also nourishes the strands.
Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Your Hair Naturally With Laser Hair Treatment
Are you or someone you know experiencing hair loss? Loss of hair affects confidence and self esteem. People may have tried different treatments, but failed to stop their hair loss. Many become frustrated trying to find a solution that works for them. Some become so embarrassed by their hair loss that they try any temporary cover up or even consider a hair transplant.
There's good news for those men and women who are losing their hair! You no longer need to search for the answer to your hair loss. Whatever the reason, there is now an FDA-approved laser hair treatment that can help to regrow your natural hair. This laser hair treatment is called Low-Level Laser Light Therapy (LLLT).
How Does Low-Level Laser Light Therapy Work?
FDA-approved Low-Level Laser Light Therapy delivers low power frequency at different wavelengths. The infrared light is invisible to the human eye and transmits deep beyond the scalp reaching the cell structure below. The infrared light increases cellular metabolism, blood circulation, and supply of oxygen. The infrared light helps promote the process of healing.
The revolutionary cool light Laser Hair treatment has proven to be 93% effective in stopping hair loss and reversing its course! That means no more drugs, surgery, or side-effects. Now with Laser Hair Therapy both men and women can retain their hair naturally.
Is Light Hair Therapy Safe?
Yes, definitely! Our technicians at Boston Hair Regrow use non-surgical therapeutic lights which are powerful but completely safe. They comply fully with the European standard EN60825, for light safety and have been evaluated by the UL,CSA, IMQ, TUV, NEMCO, International Laser Research Group Association and the Nation Institute for Radiation. The FDA has approved the laser and it complies with the USA FDA CDRH safety regulations Section 21 for cosmetic use. Light Hair Therapy has undergone many years of research and clinical use prior to its introduction to the United States
Low Level Laser Therapy For Hair Loss
An interesting technology has recently emerged as a non-surgical alternative to treat hair loss - low level laser therapy (LLLT). The technology has been around for almost 50 years and has been proven to be helpful in treating chronic pain, decreasing inflammation, and helping with wound healing. Interestingly, some of the initial experiments with LLLT in the 1960's suggested it can lead to increase hair growth. A Hungarian researcher, Andre Mester was investigating if LLLT caused cancer in mice when he noticed that the treated spots actually showed increased hair growth. This observation was mostly lost until the last few years.
There is no clear explanation for how LLLT may increase hair growth. One theory is that LLLT somehow increases blood flow to the treated area. Another suggests that LLLT transfers light energy directly to the hair cells and causes increase growth activity through this increase in energy. It does not appear to work at all on areas which are completely bald and is a treatment that requires constant maintenance to maintain effect.
LLLT devices designed to treat hair loss come in two varieties: those used at home and those designed for use in a physician's office. The home devices allow a person to perform treatment in their own home but generally do not provide the intensity or the even coverage of the office based systems. Though the office devices provide greater energy and even coverage, it does require repeated trips to the physician's office for the treatment. No studies have been performed to indicate if one is better than another though.
There are several home based systems which are marketed but only one has received clearance from the US FDA to indicate that it is effective at treating hair loss, the Hairmax Lasercomb®. According to their web site, "The HairMax LaserComb is cleared by the FDA for The Promotion of Hair Growth in males with Androgenetic Alopecia who have Norwood Hamilton Classifications of IIa-V and Fitzpatrick Skin Types I to IV." Unfortunately, there are no published placebo controlled double blind studies to indicate the effectiveness of LLLT at treating hair loss.
LLLT appears to be useful for patients both male and female suffering from androgenic alopecia. It does not appear to be effective in treating areas which are already bald and is more effective at treating areas which are thinning. Treatment protocols used in physician offices generally involve treatments 2-3 times per week for 6 weeks then once a week for the next 3-4 months. If positive results are seen, additional touch up procedures are undertaken on a regular basis. Each session takes approximately 20 minutes. Home treatment systems have similar protocols. Though touch up procedures are generally felt to be necessary if positive results are seen, no study has looked at results more than 6 months after treatment.
Hair Loss - Regrow Hair with Natural Remedies
Herbal Treatments: Natural Remedies for Women's Hair loss
With hair thinning and hair loss in women as well as in men are getting more and more prevalent day by day, this has become one of the most talked about issues of worries in the modern days. Hair fall is not a new thing in human society, but recently it has become too common in women. With an understanding that beautiful hair is an essence of the beauty of women, this extract is all about how to treat hair loss naturally - especially herbal remedies. The Ayurvedic oils that are meant for scalp massaging typically contain some hair friendly ingredients. Those special ingredients are essentially certain herbs that have been proved to have immense benefit insofar hair growth is concerned.
If you are planning to make use to all these herbs directly, without using the scalp massage oil, you are amongst those thousands of women who got great effect by doing so. All you need to make the potion by yourself at your home. All these herbs have to be slow-cooked with the oil, which should then be stained, before it becomes fit to be used. Here are those beneficial herbs and their specific benefits:
o Brahmi: Brahmi helps to calm your mind and your nervous system. It is also quite a lot nourishing for your hair and ensures thick hair.
o Amlaki: Amlaki has immense benefit on your hair, just apart from being really nourishing for your hair. It prevents premature thinning of hair. It also prevents graying of hair at an early age. Amlaki also benefits by preventing dry scalps and dandruffs - the major factor for hair loss in females and males.
o Bhringaraj: Bhringaraj, which translates to "king of tresses", is again another beneficial herb for hair loss remedies. Bhringaraj gives adequate nourishment to your hair.
o Hibiscus: Hibiscus protects the hair pigment and vitality
o Rosemary and Lavender: Rosemary and Lavender are excellent herbs that promote hair growth, by stimulating follicles
o Neem: Neem is an excellent cleansing agent.
How to make the Elixir
Take all these ingredients in a bowl and pour enough oil. Remember, almond oil or sesame oil will be best as the base. Boil these ingredients in the oil some time. Once the oil has completely changed the color, stop boiling. Keep it covered for a couple of hours in a cool place. Remove the herbs and stain the oil. Applying this is easy. Just pour a little amount of this potion oil in a bowl and heat is softly in some hot water. Apply the luke warm oil as scalp massage oil at least twice to thrice a week. Each time you apply it, keep it for an hour or so and then shampoo it out with a gentle shampoo and wash your hair. If you need to know more about nature's secrets to permanently get rid of hair loss and thinning of hair login to my blog Natural Hair Loss treatment